Antigone - The Opening Scene

1. What information does Antigone give to Ismene at the beginning of this scene?
Antigone tells Ismene that Creon had chosen to only honour one of their brothers, even though both of them had died in battle together. He had chosen to give a proper burial to Eteocles, as he had fought and protected his city. However, since Polyneices had fought against his own people, he was not to get a burial and was to be disrespected. 

2. What has just happened in the sisters' family?
Oedipus left Thebes after finding out he killed his father and married his own mother. When he left, he put his two sons on the throne. Every year, they were meant to swap roles so that the other brother could be King. One year, Eteocles refused to give up his throne when it was Polyneices' turn to be king. Polyneices put together an army and attacked Thebes. In the battle, both brothers were killed.

3. What does Antigone plan to do? Why?
Antigone plans to bury her brother, Polyneices, properly so that his soul can be at rest. Burials are a duty that are usually carried out women and before he died, Antigone promised Polyneices that she would bury him. Antigone also believes that leaving the dead unburied can offend the Gods.

4. Does Ismene plan to join her? Why or why not?
Ismene refuses to join Antigone in the secret burial of their brother, Polyneices. She does not want to go against the state and get into trouble. She wants to help Antigone, but she knows that they will not get away with it.

5. What story does the chorus tell us about?
The chorus tells the story of the battle where The Argive army ordered an attack on the 7 gates of Thebes during the night.

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