Multimedia In Theatre - Curious Incident

I recently went to watch 'The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time' at the Gielgud Theatre in London's West End. It was an outstanding play and exceeded all of my expectations.

The play revolves around a boy named Christopher Boone, who is suggested to have a disability such as Aspergers Syndrome. As he discovers the body of a dog, he attempts to clear his name and find out who actually killed the dog. Along the way, Christopher makes another discovery that is closer to home for him. We see the world through his eyes and his imagination.

Multimedia is incorporated hugely into the play. Sound, lighting, animation, projection and text are just a few of the multimedia elements that are included in the play. The stage is set out in a cube as if we are looking into the characters mind. Flashing lights and loud sounds are used a lot to show how the character is feeling and to show the point of view from someone who has autism. Projections are useful in showing what the character can see in his head. They are also used to show what may be happening on the floor, that the audience in the stalls may not be able to see (for example, when Christopher was marking out where the dog has been killed). A lot of the multimedia used was to show that people with autism process things slower than other people, so when they are in busy places everything is very fast and confusing for them. Multimedia was also used to create a tense atmosphere.When the main character, Christopher was reading a letter that he was not supposed to find, torches were the only sources that lit up the stage. This made the stage very dark and made the scene feel very mysterious. I feel that without all of the multimedia used, the show wouldn't have been as good and would have been very difficult to portray and direct. The multimedia seemed to enhance the show a lot.

The play is remarkable and I recommend going to watch it as soon as you can.

A review from Theatre critics representing 'Time Out Magazine' can be read at:

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