Antigone Evaluation

In my groups scene, where Antigone is told her fate and gets dragged to her cave, we used lights, music and a projection of a video. However, there were many different forms of multimedia in the whole performance. For example, sound effects, live feed and different sources of light.

Multimedia made the piece of theatre a lot more modern and also enhanced the performance. The multimedia made the production a lot more interesting as it gave the audience a chance to experience the play in different ways and forms. The media that we used helped to make the piece more memorable and exciting for the audience as the use of media in productions is still quite modern and new. The use of multimedia gave us a new way to communicate and interact with the audience.

The multimedia had a good impact on the audience as it gave them another way of working out what was happening in the storyline of the play. Through the editing of videos and music, you can create different atmospheres to portray characters emotions and situations. It also helped to engage the audience so that they wouldn't lose focus or concentration when watching the piece. 

I do not think that the production would have been as effective if we didn't use the multimedia as many of us used our space and adapted our performance space to include elements of multimedia. We developed our pieces to have certain elements that wouldn't have been possible without the use of multimedia (e.g. showing footage in different locations). As an ensemble, we would have had to adapt our pieces so that it was suited to the audience without the use of multimedia.

There were many effective moments in the performance that incorporated multimedia. For example, our group used lights, music and a projected video. Benji, Roseby, Jake and Robyn's group used multimedia very well. They had a video that they pre recorded of Antigone burying Polynices. The video was edited to look like real CCTV footage with written information and a recording light on it. I think this was clever and original as it made the piece seem very realistic. Having the video play on loop on the TV screen meant that the audience never missed it and could look at it whenever they wished to.

Scenes from Antigone:

Multimedia used and locations
How did the multimedia in each scene enhance the performance?
1. Creon announces that Eteocles will be honoured and Polynices will be shamed and left un-buried.
Video to be shown on screen in reception.
Shows the power of the one character on the screen. 
Looks like an addressal from the King.
2. Antigone goes to Ismene to persuade her to assist the burial of their brother. Ismene refuses. 
By the tree - video shown of the thoughts of the characters.
The videos give a deeper insight on who the characters are and how they're feeling.
3. Antigone goes to bury her brother.
Round of wooden stumps.

No multimedia was used in this scene. However, the scene gets across the emotion and sadness of the scene simply through live action theatre.
4. Creon looks for the support of the chorus of Theban Elders in his decision to leave Polynices unburied.
Creon announces from fire escape door of 415 - chorus round the tree looking up. Audience looking up also.
Sound projected through a (megaphone) loudspeaker.
The loudspeaker enhanced the sound of Creons voice so that he sounded bolder and the audience could hear more easily.
5. A Sentry reports the burial of Polynices. Creon insists that the Sentry finds out who or face death.
Filmed footage of event is shown on screen top of stairs. Sentry talking to Creon.
The footage helped the scene to feel very real and in the moment. It was like a flashback to what the audience had seen in scene 3. This helped the audience to remember what they had seen previously.
6. Chorus sing about honouring gods.
From the yard up to windows of 413

Recorded chorus played. 
The chorus almost seem 'possessed' as everyone does the actions at the same time in sync to the music. This worked well the show part of the story very quickly.
7. Sentry returns with the Culprit: Antigone. Creon confronts her.
Burst into 413 - audience turn to see.
Lighting used.
The lights on the characters create an intense atmosphere, along with the confrontation.
8. Creon confronts Ismene. Ismene tries to confess but Antigone won't allow it. And in the end, the two sisters are imprisoned.
Still in 413 but Creon live speaks to a projected Ismene. Antigone is walked out the room and joins the real Ismene - escorted off.
Lighting used 
Having the scence set up like a court room made the audience look at the play in a different light and from another perspective. Live feed meant they had to concentrate and keep focusing on different places.
9. Haemon both pledges allegiance to his father, Creon, and asks that Antigone be spared. After the discussion deteriorate, Haemon storms out vowing never to speak to him again.
Traverse in 413 - iphone lights as the two talk. Throughout confrontation, lights go out, one by one.
Scene is very dim lit and shows the secrecy of the characters discussing the situation. Almost makes the audience feel 'naughty' as they are listening in on the private conversation.
10. Creon choses to spare Ismene, and to bury Antigone alive. As she is dragged out, the chorus express their Sorrow.
Drapes hung from the ceiling. Lights turned on in 413, but switched off for projection of Antigone being dragged to her cage. Scary / Thriller short film. 
The video progresses and creates a sense of panic and horror as Antigone is going to be imprisoned. Projection onto the whole wall makes the audience feel like they are a part of the scene.
11. Tiresias attempts to advise Creon that what he is doing is wrong and that the Gods are angry. The prophecy of a dead son is mentioned.
Tiresias never moves his mouth but what he says coupled with weird underscore is played through speakers of 415.
Projected video played 
The scary music shows that Creon is in the wrong and that there are many consequences to his actions.
12. The chorus, terrified, begs him to take Tiresias' advice. Shaken, Creon agrees to release Antigone and bury Polynices.
As many chorus as possible fill cavities of 415 and urge Creon. Three doors and side grated window thing.

With so many people in one room, the audience feel as if they are within the piece, surrounded by chorus members.
13. Chorus deliver a choral ode to the god Dionysus.
Lights from iPhone used when physicalising the cityscape of Thebes.
Lights resemble the stars in the sky. Our choral speaking show that we, the people of Thebes, are one and together.
14. Messenger informs Eurydice of Haemon and Antigone's death.
Filmed footage on repeat of Haemon stabbing himself and Antigone hanging, swinging from a branch.
The video is quite shocking and gives the audience the element of surprise and shock.
15. Carrying the body of his dead son Haemon, Creon is then met by a 2nd messenger informing him of Eurydice's death.
Audience back outside looking at tree. Creon walking through the courtyard, holding Creon, confronted by messenger at the tree. Chorus look down from 415.
No multimedia was used in this scene. However, the rawness of the scene helped to show more live action theatre and gave a larger feel of the emotions and themes shown throughout the play.

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