Incorporating Multimedia Into Performance

Throughout the term, we were taught how to incorporate different forms of multimedia into our performances and then given the chance to experience and experiment with them.

With Miss Balaam, we were taught how to use Garage Band, an apple application, to manipulate and record sounds to include into our performance. These sounds could be created using our voices or instruments. This could have a good effect on the performance and audience as we can use different music and sound effects to create different atmospheres. For example, in my groups piece, we used very heavy and progressive music to create a sense of panic and horror. The music got faster and louder as the piece went on. Miss Balaam gave us a change to try out Garage Band on the iPads.

Mr Crowther taught us how to use live feed in a production and gave us a chance to try it out. The camera was placed onto a tripod and then connected to the projector. This meant that you could have something happening live and in a different place but still projected where the audience can see it. During rehearsals, I tried out some different ways of incorporating live feed into the performance using a projector to mirror the screen of my iPhone through Apple TV. This was a way to use live feed wirelessly.

There are many forms of multimedia that could be used, including videos, lights, music and projections. As I enjoy using multimedia and I am quite confident with it, I decided to take a lead role in applying the multimedia into the scene - making sure that everyones suggestions and inputs were included. I have explained how we applied the skills and directed the piece in my previous post, 'Rehearsals'.

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