Antigone Performance - Facebook Group Chat

Photo from rehearsal:

We were put into groups to create a short version of Antigone, focusing on setting it in a specific context. I was in a group with Michelle, Nina, Benji, Rory and Antonia.

Our group took a very old play and put it into a modern situation. We created a very up to date version of Antigone, in which we slightly changed the storyline. Antigone had spoken about Creon in a negative way, after helping her brother Polyneices to betray Creon. The views and opinions were passed on through a facebook group chat. Polyneices kept being added and removed from the chat, showing that Creon wasn't letting him be free. We all had our phones out and played text tones to incorporate some form of multimedia. The piece involved repetition of nasty words and phrases describing Antigone. Everyone took on different characters who may be seen in a young and modern society. For example, there was a character who sugar-coated the story, another character who told it as it was, a character who was oblivious to what was going on, someone who passed on information and the main character who was being bullied. The language we used suited the characters that we developed. For example, we used voices that portrayed a stereotypical young group of people and different vocal tones to show how each character was different in the way they were feeling.

Our group received a positive reaction from the audience with some constructive criticism. I was very pleased with how the performance went.

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