Women In Greek Theatre


How were women viewed in Greek Theatre? Why?
Plays at the theatre were performed by male actors to a male audience. Women were not permitted to be involved in plays or allowed to watch them as they were seen as the inferior gender. After accusations of women being 'deformed, incomplete males', women had their freedom restricted. However, they were still represented in many plays and portrayed by male actors. 

Women influenced Greek plays but they were not directly involved in the production of them. One of the main themes of Greek Theatre was 'The Female Warrior'. These plays would be about a female fighting back against a misogynistic and sexist society. Generally, a male character would have the power and be in control, but the strong female character would rebel against him. This is hugely shown throughout 'Antigone'. 

Even though females were represented as strong characters, many storylines still showed the problem of male absence and how women were dependant on the males in their life. Many Greek plays are about how people are driven to do what most are afraid of, as the actions and consequences are so shocking. 

The female characters are usually the ones that we most understand and sympathise for. At the end of most plays, everything turns out badly, for the male and especially for the female characters. This shows that you shouldn't go against what is forbidden.

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